Cajuns, and by incorporation all people of Louisiana, are by nature and temperament practical souls. Sometimes we don’t have the fanciest of tools to work with. We do have a long history of what we could proudly call the Cajun Engineering Principle: stuff that may not appear to be so elegant, but works just fine in real time for real folks.

Your head can spin from the avalanche of numbers spewed forth now every few hours. We need a down-home way to roughly estimate personal risk of infection from this foe as time goes by.

Here is the Cajun COVID-19 Personal risk Indicator in simple form.

Cajun Covid Risk Indicator 032220

We have proof every day we cannot count on the Solons in this Administration to give us the straight facts and an honest appraisal. Their explanations veer from empty promises to vague excuses to political slogans. None of which helps one bit to persuade or convince regular folks about the measures they must take right now to modify the COVID-19 public health disaster coming at us all.

Our Governor has taken another set of strong steps today to slow the tide and try and tamp the explosive growth of the curve. Everybody with a lick of sense here will follow his lead. No more excuses. Personal Privilege will land your neighbors in the ICU or worse.

The virus isn’t somewhere offshore, it is stalking our very streets and back yards. It is time for the half-assed humor and pretend joking to be put aside. All citizens have been drafted in the fight to preserve our communities. Even you Tough Guys.

Follow along.

Two weeks ago the known risk in Louisiana was O per million. As of yesterday it has flourished to more than 1 in 10,000. That is a 100-fold risk increase while people were still fooling around about precautions.

Look at it yourself  in Black and White and Red.

Stop the Red Line. Get serious or Get Run Over. Do your part. We can do this together.

Watch out for others, Fellow Citizens.

LA Core Tracker Set 01 032120

LA Core Tracker Set 02 032120

Covid-19 World Death Race 032120