So, on this Holy Day of Easter in the Christian calendar 2020, today we were forced to endure a re-missive that Trump is unhappy with Dr. Fauci and his Damned Medical Advice, and feeling better about expressing his Royal Displeasure at science based advice made for the Public Good.

Trump & The Master Haberdasher Poster 041220

Jack of Anything, Master of Nothing. And Hats to Prove It. Mostly Paper Hats.

Where is America’s Hercules in this deadly National Public Health Crisis?


From John Singer Sargent (1921) Hercules Slays the Hydra.

As for Trump. Well, Boo Hoo for your tiny tender feelings of hurt. You empty headed, vindictive, deliberately ignorant poseur.

Pardon me, but another 2,000 Americans died in the last 24 hours because of your rank incompetence.

Trump isn't Happy Boo Hoo