Now that the expected Presidential tickets for both parties are set, Let’s Get Real. Time for a Little Harsh.

Donald Trump is a product of Immigration. Plain and Simple.

Trump’s Grandfather was a Foreigner and an Immigrant.

Both Trump’s Father’s parents were Immigrants.

Trump’s Mother was an Immigrant.

Trump has had three Wives. Two were Immigrants.

Trump has had five Children. Four of them had Mothers who were Immigrants. The fifth was born Out of Wedlock.

Trump has had 10 Grandchildren. Finally, there are some 100% Real American blooded Trumps. They really don’t count for much yet, since all are less than 10 years old. There is one exception, but she’s a Girl.

Good for them! It only took Five Generations, and more than 100 years to get there.

Facts Are Facts. Without active Immigration up to the Present Day (Trump’s current wife wasn’t a naturalized American citizen until 2006!), there would be no Trump, no Trump family, no Trump Organization, no Trump businesses, no Trump fortune, no former Trump reality TV show, no Trump political movement, no Trump Twitter account, and no Trump Presidency.

In other words, America would be Trump Free.

It is past time for you Nativist, anti-immigration wailers to get right with the Lord.* Either continue your ignorant hypocrisy or choose a new Dear Leader to fawn over, because Trump’s whole life is an Immigration Phony from Way Back.

And you just look stupid to everyone else pretending otherwise.

Are you listening Ann Coulter?

Oh, yeah. Here is the cherry on the Trump Sundae. Not a Single One of these Trump Immigrants had any money whatever when they asked for shelter here in our America. They were admitted only from the General Kindness our country has always shown to the oppressed and downtrodden until now.

Don’t believe it? You can look it up.

Start here:

*Definition of Wailer from

verb (used without object)

to utter a prolonged, inarticulate, mournful cry, usually high-pitched or clear-sounding, as in grief or suffering:

to wail with pain.

to make mournful sounds, as music or the wind.


the act of wailing.

a wailing cry, as of grief, pain, or despair.