Official US Supreme Court Portrait 2016

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg


Of Blessed Memory *

A Legal Giant. America Mourns Our National Loss.

Brooklyn Born, Flatbush Raised. Daughter of Immigrant. Mother Before Law School. Ivy Educated times three. Member of Two Major Law School Reviews. First in Her Class. Federal Law Clerk. Tenured Professor of Law at Rutgers and Columbia for 17 Years. Learned Swedish to Co-Author a Text on Civil Procedure in Sweden. Married 56 Years. Four Time Cancer Survivor.

Justice Ginsburg & Husband Martin, September 2003

Federal Judge for 40 Years. Supreme Court Justice for 27 Years. Confirmation Vote: 96-3.

Every American Woman Supreme Court Justice (2010)

Second Woman on the Supreme Court. First Jewish Woman. First Woman Ever to Lie in State at US Capitol.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Lies in State US Capitol September 25, 2020

Lie in Repose US Supreme Court (September 23-24, 2020). Lie in State at US Capitol (September 25, 2020)

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Statuary Hall September 25, 2020

Her Final Resting Place will be at Arlington National Cemetery next to her husband Martin, US Army Veteran (2010). She will be buried there near Fellow Supreme Court Justices John Paul Stevens, Harry Blackmun, Thurgood Marshall, Potter Stewart, William J. Brennan Jr., Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., William O. Douglas, William Howard Taft, Warren Burger, Warren Burger, and William H. Rehnquist

US Chief Justice John Roberts: “Our nation has lost a justice of historic stature. We at the Supreme Court have lost a cherished colleague. Today we mourn but with confidence that future generations will remember Ruth Bader Ginsburg as we knew her, a tireless and resolute champion of justice.”

A Nation Grieves for A Lifetime of Profound Accomplishment, Gravity, and Public Service.

Time Magazine (1996)

And Blessedly, A Fleeting Moment of Silence from Trump

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg In Repose at US Supreme Court (September 23-24, 2020)

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Private Service Supreme Court September 23, 2020
R.B.G. Public Viewing US Supreme Court September 24, 2020

*For those of Jewish Faith: Of Blessed Memory (Hebrew: zikhronah livrakha)

For Christians: Requiescat in pace (Rest in Peace)

Selected Sources:


Ruth Bader Ginsburg Lies in State at Statuary Hall, US Capitol September 25, 2020